Séjours tropicaux partagés


Benefit from from the opportunity which is offered to you during two or four consecutive years to take part while being in holiday, with the protection of the ecosystems, by taking out a subscription to the club of the small écolodge "Estancia desconocida" located in the foothills of the Eastern cordillera in Dominican Republic (Greater Antilles).

The ecosystem (or in this particular case), the agrosystème is consisted the interactions associated with the biotope and its bioceonose to develop a network of interdependences allowing the maintenance and the development of the life. Any traveller feeling really concerned with the sustainable development of the future generations, must nowadays be a little “ecologist” and to be interested in particular in all renewable energies. This is why, the tourist structure of the écolodge “Estancia desconocida” is with human size and will constantly remain it by real preoccupation with a harmony with the nature and whose environmental impact is tiny. “Estancia desconocida” contributes to protect fragile surrounding spaces, imply the local communities and their allow to generate benefit.

Located on a mythical island of the Greater Antilles, in Dominican Republic, the club of “Estancia desconocida” is the conservation of fauna and the flora, the Community development and the afforestation, while giving warm welcome, single, original and strange with “truths travellers” and all those which do not feel “simple tourists”. The weak subscription suggested, offers to the visitors interested by ecology, the appropriateness an ideal interactive experiment, a communion between nature and culture and allots to them which more is, a very comfortable lodging for four hosts in bungalow bioarchitectural, during twenty eight days and twenty four nights distributed over two or four consecutive years with all the breakfasts offered. The place where the club is located does not satisfy to be incredibly beautiful and strange with its immense planted royal palm trees, rectilinear, on many small foothills of very Swiss appearance. In the objective of a sustainable development and the concern for an ecological habitat, the five future bungalow, intended for the stays at time-sharing, will be directed East-North-East to benefit from the trade-winds (dominant winds) and will be built, on one of the many small hills overhanging the ranch, out of wood and on pile in order to obtain a natural air-conditioning and to preserve a good ventilation be like winter, according to the precepts of the bioclimatic architecture which saves energy while profiting to the maximum of the climatic and solar contributions. In the same way, worn water will be treated by lagunage, system which will then be used for the irrigation of the vegetable garden bio. Domestic waste will be naturally subjected as for them, with the principle of the lombricompostage and their rejections will contribute consequently to the manure of the kitchen garden and with that of the decorative vegetation.
Photovoltaic panels will provide electrical energy necessary. The standard lamps of circulations and the various brumisateurs of the pleasure gardens and the kitchen garden will be fed with the same process.

Because space “Estancia desconocida” believes only in the effectiveness of a mission on the long term, it invites without more delaying, any responsible traveller to take out a subscription by sections possibly successive (according to subscription), two or four years to its club “Aventura”, in order to make take part its future members in the financing of such a project. Its philosophy first is based on the formalization of the concept published in 1987 by the world commission on the environment and the development, the Brundtland report titrated “Our Future with All” :
“The durable development meets the needs for the generations present without compromising the capacity of the future generations to answer their.”


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